The Importance of A Letter (Doing Your Research Properly)

Sometimes a single letter can mean the difference between strippers and the US consular general. One of the perks working for WeekendNotes is that writers are sometimes offered ‘invites’ (aka ‘freebies’). Just like anyone working in the media, you are given free tickets to an event or show and you are expected to write aboutContinueContinue reading “The Importance of A Letter (Doing Your Research Properly)”

What I Have Learned from Writing for an Online Website

Recently I published my 250th article on WeekendNotes*. It’s quite a milestone for me, so today I thought I would write about what I have learned and achieved from writing for an online review website. Some statistics: –          WeekendNotes has articles published for 48 different countries with the majority of articles and writers in Australia,ContinueContinue reading “What I Have Learned from Writing for an Online Website”